The day you become a better reader

Youtubers and marketing make us believe that if we read all the ‘must-read’ self-help books they recommend, we will be leading the future. And if we don’t read them, we will be worthless in the future. Is it? This belief needs to be challenged. More>

Read 2 min     Jan 26 2022

What the hell are 'Tail events'?

They only succeed in a handful of all the things they do. They tried 100s of stuff but only 2-3 of them went big. Yet those few wins were enough to outpower 100s of other losses. These rare but giant wins are called Tail events. More>

Read 2 min     Jul 9 2021

Infinite Math

Because we all faced problems in solving Math sums which requires logical thinking, we assume it is "logical thinking" only that makes this subject tough. In reality, it has a crime partner. He always sneaks out under bushes and never gets caught, just like every real life criminals. His name is "Infinite syllabus". The Syllabus for Math is infinite. Here's how. More>